How To Add Your Partner To Your Account

In order to get started with couples therapy, it's important that your partner is able to log into our platform so they can complete a client services agreement and a matching assessment. Here's how to invite them to our platform:

  1. Sign onto our secure platform. When you've reached the dashboard, select the button that says "account" on the top right corner.
  2. On the next page, select the button that says "profile" on the top left corner.

  1. Scroll down a bit on this page until you get to "invite your partner". Input your partner's email into the box that says "partner email". Then select the button that says "invite partner."

  1. Your partner will get an email in their inbox that looks like this. Have them use the temporary password to sign into their account for the first time. Once signed in, they will be prompted to create a new password.

  1. After they have entered one last verification code and set their new password, they will be prompted to complete their match assessment. This is just some questions so that way we can get to know their needs, expectations, and preferences when it comes to couples therapy.
  2. They will also be prompted to complete their client services agreement.
  3. Lastly, to make sure we have their important information on file, we will have them select the "account" button in the top right corner. On the next page they will select "profile." In this space they can add their name.

✅ All done!

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