Downloading Super Bills

We have a new feature where you can download super bills on demand! Here's how to get started so you can use that feature.

  1. Sign onto our secure platform:
  2. Click on the "account" button on the top right corner.

  1. Click on the "profile" button on the top left-hand side

  1. Scroll down on this page until you get into the section where it says "change your address". Please input your current address you'd like to be shown on your superbill.

✅ Done! Once this is completed, you should be able to download your superbill after each session. If you have any issues with downloading it, it may require someone on our care team to get more information from your therapist ( diagnosis, therapist's EIN, etc). If this is the case, just send us an email at and we'll get this completed for you as quickly as possible!

🤔 Have more questions? Feel free to email us at