Getting Paid by OURS

We use Justworks to process payments each Friday for all sessions that take place the week prior. Payments are delivered the following Friday. When either Friday falls on a holiday, payments will be processed / delivered the next business day following that Friday.

For example: For a session taking place on Tuesday, October 17, we will initiate payment payment Friday, October 20, and payment will be delivered Friday October 27.

This table shows processing times:

Session Day Payment Processed Payment Delivered
Monday Friday (T+4) Following Friday (T+11)
Tuesday Friday (T+3) Following Friday (T+10)
Wednesday Friday (T+2) Following Friday (T+9)
Thursday Friday (T+1) Following Friday (T+8)
Friday Friday (T+7) Following Friday (T+14)
Saturday Friday (T+6) Following Friday (T+13)
Sunday Friday (T+5) Following Friday (T+12)